
Friday, April 11, 2008

Making Millionaires Online

Oh God, please, please don't waste your money on this worthless e-book. The Making Millionaires Online site promotes an e-book containing a system that has made people up to $94,000 a month! Some copy from the site that sums up the generalized nature of the product pitch well:

"I have found a proven money making system anyone can use. You don't need any special computer knowledge. You don't have to know how to build a website, and you don't have to be a marketing guru. So what do you need? All you need to do is follow a few simple steps and you are on your way to making a small fortune online. This system is a set it and forget it system, which will virtually run on 100% autopilot."


"With my system you will be able to create multiple streams of income in a matter of a few hours. I provide you with everything you need to start making money online."

This product's only redeeming feature is the relatively low price for an e-book containing make money online or work from home programs, $29.99. The content on the site doesn't give very many clues to what the book contains, but you can tell it might have something to do with e-bay.

The actual e-book contains a series of sales pitches and promotion methods -- of course they are all to promote the Making Millionaires Online system as an affiliate. Unfortunately, the methods described are hopelessly outdated, not to mention exceedingly well known. Author suggests using e-bay classifieds and Google AdWords to promote the product, which you will sell through ClickBank. A section on search engine optimization is included in case you decide to put up your own site to sell this product. The SEO tips are rather outdated as well and include link buying and submitting to paid directories, neither of which are good SEO methods.

Bottom line -- there is absolutely no information contained in this e-book that you cannot obtain for free by searching, including the sales pitch he offers to promote the Making Millionaires Online program, which you can read here. That said, I did enjoy reading that Mr. Sebaa considers himself a "freaking genius" for mastering the art of link buying. Don't spend money on this program. If you want to become an affiliate, google it and steal the sales copy from the other affiliates already using it, or better yet, come up with your own.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your tip. That's how these scams make money. People that don't know any better buy their products. Great post.