
Monday, March 24, 2008

Business Builders International

Business Builders International is a AA rated company listed with the Better Business Bureau, although not a member. Their site looks legitimate, they have a legitimate business e-mail address, and they are looking for a "Business Manager" to act as a consultant on mergers and acquisitions, IPO, and other strategic issues. Qualifications for this complex and challenging position? Internet and e-mail operational skills and "maturity age." I assume this means they are looking for someone who can send e-mail and is at least 18.

This is so slick, but it is still a scam. The person who set up the Business Builders International web site looked through BBB records until they found one with a AA rating that had no web site listed, then set-up this false site. The BBB record shows the company registered in 1991, yet the domain has only been registered since March 19th of this year. The address listed with the BBB is in Corona, CA, yet the domain registrant's address is in China. Additionally, the address listed with the BBB belongs to a hair salon, not a financial management firm. Business Builders International is probably a long out of business company that some criminal is using as a cover.

Don't apply for this position. This is another money laundering operation similar to Agent USA, posted on previously, albeit much more cleverly designed. You can go to jail for being involved in these operations, even if you are just a poor sucker who got conned.